CSR:CSR Activities
We have defined a set of core values for ourselves – care, innovation passion & trust to guide us in all we do.
Facilitating education to poor children.
SSEPL helps the poor children in terms of necessary training for employment.
SSEPL provides different types of employability enhancement programs and vocational trainings for these graduate and undergraduate mass of the society. SSEPL is also associated with various industries & organisations like CII for providing employment to these trainees at the end of the training program.
SSEPL is also associated with NSDC and DTET and is soon to trigger projects to provide vocational training and employment to the dropout masses of India.
These programs will aim at providing quality education, industrial training and employment to the unreached mass of the society so as to improve their standards of living and provide them with a better future.
Women empowerment
SSEPL has successfully completed a Women’s Empowerment (through training) program in association with the Rotary Club of Bhubaneswar Metro.
The training program was a comprehensive communication, technical and impression management program.
Its aim was to make the women feel proud of themselves, feel able and confident, give unemployed girls an edge in seeking job opportunities and especially in skills that will help them in the world of technology, particularly the internet applications while helping them in grooming and creating perfect impressions and making them empowered.
An efficient training model was designed to meet the needs of people who wanted to learn skills and find jobs. The training model ensures that training is specific to the trainee’s needs and current skill sets.
A plan is developed for the individual and maximum benefit for each trainee. The plan incorporates results that guide the individual's training plan, identify possible barriers to completion, as well as supportive services that may be offered to minimize those barriers.